Anam Cara

Anam Cara is an online resource for bereaved parents to help them cope with and survive the death of a child.
Anam Cara has 8 online video vignettes to complement their other online resources. See them on:
or on Anam Cara's home page of:
Bereavement Advice Centre

Supports and advises people after a death in England and Wales. Their website and helpline provide help with the wide range of practical issues that need to be managed after a bereavement, as well as signposting to other support:
Child Bereavement UK

Supports families and educates professionals about childhood death and bereavement. Runs a helpline and individual, couples and family support sessions and groups across the country:
The Compassionate Friends

Cruse Bereavement Care

Support, advice and information when someone dies. Helpline, bereavement counselling and facilitated self-help groups across the country:
Dying Process for Loved Ones

This is a useful website to understand the dying process:
This article may also be of use to help recognise and understand when a loved one is dying:
“How to Recognise When Your Loved One Is Dying.pdf”
When you have a friend or family member diagnosed with a terminal illness, going into palliative care or about to start the dying process this is a must read. This book takes away the fear of dying and shows us how much care there is from the nurses and doctors involved:
Bereavement by Suicide

Supports those bereaved by suicide through a helpline, email and self-help groups:
Something Missing?

If you have used or are aware of resources that could be helpful for your colleagues, please get in touch and let us know.